Half Team
A drawing game to play with friends
Half Team is a digital version of the famous Surrealist artists' parlour drawing game called Exquisite Corpse. You would fold a sheet of paper and each person would draw a part of a creature - not seeing what the other had drawn until you unfolded the paper as a surprise reveal.
STATUS: Retired (after winning the Best New App for Families award and thousands of downloads! Thanks HT team for the amazing creatures - some shared below!)

Hi Peeps
A fun way to be sure to stay in touch

Hi Peeps was a world in which all your peeps (adorable little bird friends) hung out on a wire and would start to wobble off the wire if you hadn't been in touch with them. You control how often you'd like to stay in touch and Hi Peeps would nudge you if it was time!
STATUS: Retired (after keeping thousands of peeps in touch!! Thanks for your support, peeps! )
Some of our favorite creations!